Saturday, April 29, 2023

 Here is a link to the video where we conclude our study of the Sacraments

Click Here

Please make sure you watch this during the week prior to our in person class on Saturday.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Confirmation Project for February, 2023


2022 Confirmation Project

During the month of February, it is our long-standing practice that we do not have classes on Saturday morning.  Rather, students are asked to complete a project, to be worked on over the month of February in lieu of class. 

The purpose of this project is for you to apply your Faith in Jesus, and the material that you have learned to a topic of your choosing (suggestions are below). 


You may write a paper on a subject that interests you, relating it to your faith.  If you choose this project, your paper should do the following:

·         Introduce the subject and explain it.

·         Relate it to the Christian faith as you are learning it from the Small Catechism.

·         Explain if it is something that supports the Christian Faith or goes against the Christian faith.

·         Give your reasons why, citing Biblical verses to back up your position.  You can use the Concordance in the back of your Bible to help you find related verses. Also use books, online sources, etc…  Make sure that you give credit to those whom you quote.

·         Write your conclusion based on your research. 

The paper should be 4-6 pages long, double spaced. 

Some topics to assist you in your selection:  (Just suggestions- If you come up with an idea, that is fine, too).



The effects of Social Media (FaceBook, Twitter, etc…) on the Christian Faith


Science vs. Religion/Science and Religion

Cults (Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Scientology, Children of God, etc…)

The historic “Lambs Chapel vs. Center Moriches School District” case (nationally known, precedent setting law that happened right in our community).


Habitat for Humanity

The process of becoming a Lutheran Pastor or Teacher

Christian Celebrities (sports figures, actors, politicians, etc…)

 Other acceptable projects:

Visit 2 different churches (non-Lutheran) and compare them with our worship.  (e.g. Methodist Church, Roman Catholic Church, Presbyterian Church, Episcopal Church or churches of your choosing).  Make sure that you bring a bulletin from each church that you attend.  Write a brief summary of the similarities and differences in worship.

 Create a podcast or a video on a topic instead of writing a paper

Make a banner, appropriate to hang in Church, on one of the themes of the Church year (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, or Pentecost)

 Write a hymn with at least 4 verses on a theme or Bible verse of your choosing. 

 Write a Bible Study on your favorite Bible Verse.

 Or???????????  Be creative!

 The projects are due when we return to class on March 4. At this class we will ask each student to present his/her project to the other students in the class.